Thursday, 19 September 2019

Time Travel

Time Travel!

So here I am, 2.5 years later... where did that time go? As we say: Time flies when you're having fun.... Do you say something similar in your language? Sometimes we just say Time flies!. In Russian, I hear them say Время летит, which is pretty much a direct translation.

OK, so I didn't time travel. I actually just haven't written a blog post. Why not? Cos you guys need to rally behind me and spur me on! C'mon guys! Tell me if you like to read these short entries.

What has changed?

Well, we have a new baby. That's right - six children now! Our little girl Celia was born last May (2018). That means, at the time of writing, she's already 1 year old!

I'm still working at home, mostly as a graphic designer, but also doing a handful of English lessons per week.

I also came to the decision to try studying something, if I want to change my career. SO, big brave me enrolled in an online college and I'm studying... wait. I'm not going to tell you yet!

Let me ask you something first. How can someone find their dream career?

Sure, you can do an online personality test and discover your strengths and weaknesses. I did that. (For your curiosity, I'm INFP - if you don't know what that is, Google it).

But here's my suggestion. Look at your childhood! What did you spend hours doing (apart from watching TV of course). Did you play soldiers? Did you build billycarts or cubby houses? Or maybe you were forever cutting your cat's hair, or your little sister's?

There's a GOOD chance those things are still passions that live deep in your heart. I think that's what I have discovered over these past 12 months or so.

Here's a short story about how my childhood passion came alive.

During school holidays, we often stayed home alone while our parents worked. BIG mistake! My folks would come home to all kinds of messes and disasters, covered up by lies and deceit.

Out one side of our house was a small triangle of lawn that struggled to survive in the shade. I secretly laid claim to that land and set to work. Rummaging around through dad's garden shed, I retrieved all the garden tools I'd need: mattock, shovel, wheelbarrow, etc. and proceeded to dig.

I also managed to buy some black plastic tarp. I raided various locations for plants. I scoured dad's stuff and got hold of some black irrigation hose and sprinklers.

Before long, the beginning of a rainforest paradise had taken shape.

Mum and dad soon discovered my "mess", and realised I had a passion. So they let me continue. Dad helped me collect rocks from the countryside, get some wooden logs, buy some more expensive plants etc. I built a pond with fish, a working waterfall and an irrigation system that rained gently down from above.

My passion was GARDENING! That passion never really left me, but until recently I didn't have a chance to pursue it.

That's why I chose to study Horticulture. Maybe my future career will be growing something beautiful, or tasty. Stay tuned for that!

Meanwhile, check out this old photo of me at work in that very garden I mentioned. I was around 15 years old. I hope you can feel the serenity and solitude of the small slice of paradise.

Oh, and tell me YOUR passion! I want to hear about it.

Developing my passion at 15. I loved to build gardens and grow things, and I still do!


  • Time Travel - like many English words, this can function as a noun or verb (you could even use it as an adjective). Examples: NOUN: I don't believe time travel is possible. VERB: That weirdo claimed to have time travelled to 2034.
  • Entry - usually we're talking about a way to get into a building or sporting ground. But 'entry' can also mean something written into a book or diary on a certain occasion. Example: Captain Hartog's travel log contains an entry describing his voyage along the west coast of Australia.
  • a handful - this means a small amount or number of something. Not many.
  • billycart - a small homemade cart, often made of wood, old wheels and whatever else is available.
  • cubby house - a small house kids build and play inside. Sometimes kids build a cubby inside with blankets over the table. Sometimes it's a wooden house outside that dad built.
  • lawn - grass that is mowed and kept tidy. Very popular in Australia and America.
  • laid claim - to lay claim means to say "hey, this is mine. I own this"
  • Rummage (verb) - to look through items trying to find something. Usually you have no idea where it is and you make a mess while you're searching.
  • mattock - this is a heavy tool used for digging. Similar to a pick, but one end is flat like a hoe. Perhaps Google can help you out with this one!
  • tarp - short for tarpaulin, which is like a huge plastic or canvas sheet for covering things outdoors to protect them. They are also good for making fish ponds :-)
  • scoured - to scour means to look carefully for or search for something. Example: Peter scoured the landscape for a place to build a great city.
  • Horticulture - the study of plants for food, materials and landscaping. Agriculture is similar, but it includes animals and is often on a very big scale with lots of machinery - I'm not so interested in Agriculture.